Le Conseil de la jeunesse du Pacifique identifie les priorités en matière du développement de la jeunesse


Pacific Youth Council convening identifies priorities for youth development

As part of a regional convening, the Pacific Youth Council (PYC) and National Youth Council (NYC) representatives from 14 Pacific island countries and territories the need to strengthen collaboration, inclusivity, and governance as the top three priorities for youth development in an outcome document.

The outcome document will be endorsed by the PYC board and made available in the weeks to come.

Held in Nadi, Fiji, from April 29 to May 3, 2024, under the theme "Toe Timata le Ūpega – Cast the Net Anew", this gathering brought together stakeholders, including civil society organisations, international development agencies, and youth advocates, to address pressing challenges and opportunities facing Pacific youth.

The convening and the outcome document underscored the need for resourcing youth-led initiatives, integrating Pacific youth into core regional strategies, policies, and frameworks, enhancing climate and disaster risk reduction efforts, labour mobility, safeguarding the oceans and environment, fostering intergenerational dialogue, prioritising entrepreneurship education, and improving mental health support services for youth, among other critical areas.

As part of the weeklong event, the PYC also elected its new board members and had the opportunity to review key governance documents, including its strategic plan and constitution.  


Incoming Chair of PYC, Mr Mahoney Mori, shared that this PYC convening is historical because, as a collective, the PYC members have handed over the reins to Micronesia, allowing Micronesia to take the lead for the first time.

I thank our brothers and sisters from Melanesia and Polynesia for demonstrating great leadership for our region by taking a step towards achieving our long, ambitious call for an inclusive Pacific. Polynesia is now proudly passing the baton to Micronesia, leaving bigger shoes to fill,” he said.

Mrs Tahere Siisiialafia-Mau, the outgoing Chair of PYC, highlighted, “My theory of change is straightforward; Youth are the spearheads of Pacific development and progress. This notion is critical as I acknowledge the ripple effects of our work extend far beyond our immediate scope and can ultimately spearhead our Pacific communities towards unparalleled development and prosperity".

The event was facilitated by the Pacific Community (SPC) with funding support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through its PROJECT Governance Programme and the Australian Government through its Pacific Women Lead programme respectively.


USAID Deputy Director of Mission, Mr Mohib Ahmed, who delivered remarks at the event’s closure, emphasised to the youth leaders that “the outcomes of your efforts will shape the trajectory of Pacific youth for generations to come.”

He highlighted that USAID, through its PROJECT Governance, supports this gathering because by investing in youth leaders and providing skill development opportunities, we can unlock the full potential of our youth, driving economic growth and prosperity across the Pacific.

Engaging youth and emerging leaders in development has been pivotal in addressing pressing issues such as climate change and gender disparity, aligning with the shared goals of the United States' foreign policy and the priorities outlined in the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent,” Mr Ahmed said.

Ms Gabriella McMahon, the Pacific Community’s Human Rights and Social Inclusion Advisor, emphasised, "In the youth development space, there has been a long-standing tendency to underestimate not just the inherent potential of youth but also their existing capabilities."

"We are committed to further enhancing youth inclusion by ensuring they are in the driver's seat right from the beginning of the journey."

She shared that the PYC convening this week is the first in a set of regional convenings planned to take place in the region to map and build the momentum for a sustainable future for Pacific youth and communities. The series of regional convenings facilitated by SPC also include the Senior Officials Meetings in August and the Pacific Youth Ministers meeting planned for September of this year.

Outcomes from these meetings will inform the update of the Pacific Youth Development Framework (PYDF). The PYDF is a strategic document which guides and supports youth development initiatives across the Pacific region. The last iteration of the PYDF expired in 2023.

About Pacific Youth Council: The Pacific Youth Council is a regional organisation representing youth voices from across the Pacific region, dedicated to promoting youth empowerment, leadership, and advocacy for sustainable development.

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