SPC publications on Climate Change

Vulnerability of Tropical Pacific Fisheries and Aquaculture to Climate Change

cover-main-bookThis book documents a comprehensive assessment of the vulnerability of tropical Pacific fisheries and aquaculture to climate change. It is also a resource for anyone wanting to learn about the diverse oceanic, coastal and freshwater fisheries and aquaculture activities of the Pacific Islands region, and the environmental conditions and habitats that support them. The information was compiled from contributions by scientists and fisheries managers from 36 institutions around the world.

This book is available as a pdf.
ISBN 978-982-00-0471-9, SPC 2011

Book and companion summary plus DVD containing the book and summary.
All inclusive price: US$ 150.00 (plus packaging and postage)

Buy the book online through our distributor Pacific Book’In.allproducts

Includes: book (925 pages), summary of information for individual Pacific Island countries and territories (386 pages) and a DVD (e-books, PDFs of whole book, summary, and individual chapters of book and summary).

A series of Policy Briefs summarising the key findings are also available

policy-brief-15-en-oceanic-fisheries-and-climate-change-1    policy-brief-16-1   policy-brief-17-1   policy-brief-18-en-aquaculture-and-climate-change-1

For more information, contact SPC: [email protected]

Book: Vulnerability of Tropical Pacific Fisheries and Aquaculture to Climate Change

This page contains links to the e-book, PDFs of seperates chapters, PDF of the entire book and PDF of supplementary tables.


These PDFs are large files that take time to download. If you have trouble downloading the entire book, we suggest you download individual chapters.

To read these files, you will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed.  Download Acrobat Reader by clicking on the button below.
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To read the e-book, you need to have Flash installed. Download Flash by clicking on the button below.
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Chapter PDFs

Front matter
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Surface climate
Chapter 3 Tropical Pacific Ocean
Chapter 4 Ocean food webs
Chapter 5 Coral reefs
Chapter 6 Mangroves, seagrasses and intertidal flats
Chapter 7 Freshwater and estuarine fish habitats
Chapter 8 Oceanic fisheries
Chapter 9 Coastal fisheries 
Chapter 10 Freshwater and estuarine fisheries 
Chapter 11 Aquaculture
Chapter 12 Implications
Chapter 13 Adapting, policies and investments
Supplementary tables

cover-main-bookSummary: Vulnerability of Tropical Pacific Fisheries and Aquaculture to Climate Change

This summary, which is a companion to the book, provides vital information in an accessible form for each Pacific Island country and territory. It will be a valuable planning tool for policy makers, communities and their development partners.

This Summary is available as an e-book.

The main sections of the Summary are also available as PDFs and thre is a PDF of the complete Summary (see below for links).

To read these files, you will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed.  Download Acrobat Reader by clicking on the button below.
Adobe Acrobat Reader download page

To read the e-book, you need to have Flash installed. Download Flash by clicking on the button below.
Adobe Flash Player download page

Chapter PDFs

Preface and introduction
American Samoa
Cook Islands
Federarted States of Micronesia
French Polynesia
Marshall Islands
New Caledonia
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
Papua New Guinea
Pitcairn Islands
Solomon Islands
Wallis and Futuna
Adaptations and supporting policies
Gaps in knowledge
Investments required
Technical summaries

Policy briefs related to fisheries, aquaculture and climate change

Following the release of “Vulnerability of Tropical Pacific Fisheries and Aquaculture to Climate Change”, a 925-page book a 380-page companion summary, SPC’s Strategic Engagement, Policy and Planning Facility has produced four policy briefs to synthesise and summarise some of the key messages related to:

Oceanic fisheries and climate change (download PDF)


Key messages
Projected redistribution of tuna further east has implications for the economic benefits derived from industrial fisheries, and for the supply of tuna for food security. Several practical adaptations can reduce the risks to PICTS in the west and optimise the benefits for those in the east.

Coastal fisheries and climate change (download PDF)


Key messages
Projected declines in coastal fisheries production due to the effects of climate change are expected to reduce the availability of food and livelihood opportunities for coastal communities. Several practical adaptations can minimise these effects and provide access to alternative supplies of fish for food security
and jobs.

Freswater fisheries and climate change (download PDF)


Key messages
Projected increases in air temperatures and rainfall in the tropics are expected to improve the quality and area of habitats for freshwater fish. With good management of catchments, these changes have potential to increase the availability of animal protein in the diets of rural communities living near rivers and lakes. Projected decreases in rainfall in the subtropics are likely to reduce freshwater fish production.

Aquaculture and climate change (download PDF)


Key messages
Projected increases in air temperatures and rainfall in the tropics are expected to improve the conditions for freshwater aquaculture. Conversely, projected increases in sea surface temperature, rainfall, sea-level, ocean acidification and the intensity of cyclones are likely to cause problems for coastal aquaculture (mariculture).


cover-main-bookRésumé : Vulnérabilité des ressources halieutiques et aquacoles du Pacifique tropical face au changement climatique
Ce résumé vise à présenter les principales conclusions de l’étude sur la vulnérabilité des ressources halieutiques face au changement climatique sous un format accessible aux territoires français de la zone Pacifique : la Nouvelle-Calédonie, la Polynésie française et Wallis et Futuna. Il constitue un outil de planification pour les décideurs politiques, les communautés, et leurs partenaires dans le domaine du développement.

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Coping with Climate Change in the Pacific Islands Region (CCCPIR) programme