Programme Pêche Côtière

Number 4 - July 1992


Group Coordinator and Bulletin Editor:
Chantal Conand, Université de La Réunion, Laboratoire de biologie marine, 97715 Saint-Denis Cedex, La Réunion, France. Fax: +262 938166

Information Section, Marine Resources Division, SPC, B.P. D5, 98848 Noumea Cedex, New Caledonia. Fax: (687) 263818;

Produced with financial assistance from the European Union through the EU/SPC PROCFish project


Note from the editor

Membership of the S.I.G. on Beche-de-mer has increased since the last issue, reflecting the interest and expansion of the group in and outside the South Pacific region. Thanks are due to the members who have contributed articles, letters or various information in the diverse range of disciplines dealing with sea cucumbers.

The reproductive biology of holothurians remains an important focus of scientific research, necessary for fishery management or aquaculture experiments. Spawning observed in the field is poorly documented and a request for information on spawning is included in this issue, with the hope to put together and then circulate the information.

In the last issue, the first part of the summary of a Japanese handbook on Stichopus japonicus described the biology and the rearing of larvae and juveniles. It is continued in this issue with data on the fishery and its management, and on earlier Japanese regeneration experiments on this species.

Attempts to tag holothurians have used various tags which are retained for more or less time according to the species tegument and tag used. Results of an internal micro-tag experiment started in Papua New Guinea seem promising.

The beche-de-mer fishery industry in Fiji shows boom-bust cycles which raise resource problems described here. Options for management and for dealing with socio-economic problems are presented. Opinions and comments from other experiences will be welcome.

Chantal Conand




Developments in beche-de-mer production in Indonesia during the last decade
Tuwo A., Conand C. (pdf: 66 KB)
Request for information on spawning behaviour of tropical holothurians
Byrne M., Conand C. (pdf: 19 KB)
A handbook on the Japanese sea cucumber - Its biology, propagation and utilisation
Arakawa K.Y. (pdf: 157 KB)
First results of an internal tag retention experiment on sea cucumber
Lokani P. (pdf: 176 KB)
Queensland's beche-de-mer fishery
Beumer J. (pdf: 16 KB)
Resource aspects of the Fiji beche-de-mer industry
Adams T.J.H. (pdf: 27 KB)


Download the complete publication:

Beche de Mer #4 (pdf: )

If you would like to submit an article for publication in the SPC Beche-de-mer Information Bulletin,
please contact the SPC Fisheries Information Unit and refer to our Instructions to authors (pdf: 104 ko)

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