Stat of the week: Proportion of Tongan females who own a mobile phone

The proportion of Tongan🇹🇴 females (aged 15 to 49 years) who own a mobile phone. This is only slightly lower than the level among Tongan males aged 15-49 years (88.3%).

Stat of the week: Fijian Currency exchange rates

Did you know that the Fijian dollar dropped to a 15 year low against the USD in March 2020 (closure of Fiji border due to COVID-19) and then strengthened by 11.6% to sit at FJ$2.04 per USD (US$0.491 to FJ$) in Jan 2021? You want to find out…

Kaobari Matikarai

Stat of the week: Food nutrients contained in Pacific food

Taro leaves contain 5.7g of dietary fibre per 100g. Eating a variety of foods high in fibre has a protective effect against colon cancer and helps to control your weight. Are you interested to know the nutrient composition of some other common Pacific…

SPC concludes its term as Chair of the Global Civil Registration and Vital Statistics after challenging year

On 8th of March 2021, SPC concluded its responsibilities as Chair of the Global Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) Group for 2020-2021. The term was marked by the impact of COVID-19, which created unique challenges globally. Nevertheless,…

Stat of the week: COVID-19 vaccination in the Pacific Island Countries and Territories

As of 30 March 2021 a little over 260k doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered in 12 Pacific Island Countries and Territories (Am. Samoa, Fiji, Fr. Polynesia, Guam, Marshall Ils, FSM, New Caledonia, Mariana Ils, Palau, PNG, Solomon Islands,…

Stat of the week: The proportion of Tuvalu's Year 6 students who achieved minimum proficiency in numeracy

Photo credit: Flickr/Taiwan Presidential Office 83%: The proportion of Tuvalu's Year 6 students (the end of primary school) who achieved minimum proficiency in numeracy in 2018. This is a significant gain on the 43% achieving this level in 2012. Explore…

Stat of the week: Remittances in the Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands recorded a 67.5% drop in remittances in Q2 2020 compared to Q2 2019. Explore more data:

Stat of the week: Proportion of victims who reported their victimisation to authorities in Tonga

35.8%: The proportion of female victims in Tonga, aged 15 to 49 years, who reported their victimisation to authorities (SDG indicator 16.3.1, sourced from the 2019 Tonga MICS) Explore more data:

Taming the ever-evolving COVID-19 data through the Pacific Data Hub

Though less affected than some regions of the world, the Pacific has not been spared from COVID-19. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Pacific Community (SPC)’s Public Health Division has been closely monitoring the global and regional…
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