Solwata Blo Iumi: CBRM Benefits in Peava Community

2023 - Authored by cChange - Published by cChange, the Locally-Managed Marine Area Network, and the Pacific Community

Solwata Blo Iumi radio show talks straight and shares stories about our coastal fisheries and how to kipim fisaris blo solo. We caught up with Remy Amos, the Chair of Peava Community Marine Resource Management Committee, at the CBRM Symposium hosted in Gizo in August. Remy shared what is happening to empower more communities to manage their marine resources in Peava in the Marovo lagoon. Managing marine resources has been a long-held practice in Marovo but as time has passed some traditions and customs that had guided communities for generations disappeared. Population growth, increasing cost of living and changing living standards hasn’t help. Remy shares how the community practising community-based resource management has also brought about a positive revival of cultural practices within their community. Managing their marine resources has helped increase fish stocks, enabled the community to revive some of the traditional practices on conserving/managing our marine resources and attracted dive tourism which benefits for all the community.