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SPC/GIZ Coping with Climate Change in the Pacific Islands Region (CCCPIR) programme

The Republic of Palau is already experiencing the negative impacts of climate change, e.g. sea-level rise, higher sea-surface temperatures, coral bleaching, increased drought and flooding events, and loss of biodiversity. These impacts undermine Palau’s efforts towards sustainable development.

Palau National Climate Change Policy Framework (PNCCPF)

Palau has been actively engaged in addressing climate change for several years. Nevertheless, there is a need for a coordinated national framework, guiding the many diverse initiatives across multiple organisations.

PC is assisting with the development of a Climate Change Policy Framework, through the SPC Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) and the SPC/ GIZ CCCPIR programmes.

Achievements to date:
Information to come

Activities in 2013:

  • Gaps and needs analysis
  • Development of the policy framework
  • Climate change action investment plan
  • Community engagement strategy

Rock Islands

Jointly with the SPC Applied Geoscience and Technology Division (SOPAC), CCCPIR carried out a study on coastal changes and mapping of shorelines in the Rock Islands, Koror State.

Shoreline erosion is affecting several important recreational and tourist beach areas in the Rock Islands. The government has expressed concern over the instability of these beach areas, given their importance as destinations for large numbers of tourists (up to 100/site/day). Tourism, particularly beach and water activities in the Rock Islands, are a major attraction and source of revenue to Palau; hence there is significant urgency to address the shore instability in those key tourist beach areas.

Management plans for beach areas and awareness campaigns for local communities and dive operators are being developed.



Coping with Climate Change in the Pacific Islands Region (CCCPIR) programme