Component 1
Strengthening regional advisory and management capacity
Component 1 will work mainly with regional organisations (SPC and SPREP) to enhance their capacity to integrate climate change into their service delivery to member countries.
The component's objective is to support the advisory and management capacity in regional organisations to promote adaptation to climate change and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) in the region.
Component 2
Mainstreaming climate considerations and adaptation strategies
Component 2 will support countries to: integrate climate change into various national strategies, plans and policies, targeting agriculture, forestry. land use, and marine resources.
The component's objective is to support selected Pacific Island states to implement adaptation strategies for managing natural resources and systematically integrate climate change considerations into sector policies.
Component 3
Implementing adaptation and mitigation measures
Component 3 is closely linked to Component 2 and will support the implementation of specific adaptation and mitigation measures, including through the establishment of pilot sites to trial approaches.
The component's objective is to support selected Pacific countries to implement and evaluate adaptation and mitigation measures in the field of natural resources, particularly at the community level.
Component 4
Sustainable tourism and climate change
Component 4 will work with the governments of Fiji, Palau, Samoa and Vanuatu to promote adaptation to climate change and strategies for emission reductions through public/private partnerships with large operators and supporting community-based tourism intiatives.
The component's objective is to support innovative partnerships and approaches to promoting adaptation to climate change and a reduction in greenhouse gases in the tourism sector in the Pacific countries of Fiji, Palau. Samoa and Vanuatu.
Component 5
Sustainable energy management
Component 5 will work with the following countiries -- Kiribati, Nauru, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu -- targeting national education ministries, vocational training institutions and teacher training institutions to integrate climate change into existing curricula and training programmes.
The component's objective is to support public and private providers in the energy sector to imrove their climate-related services and their focus on sustainability, reliability and cost-effectiveness in the energy sector in the Pacific region.
Component 6
Climate change education
Component 6 will work with the following countries -- Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu -- targeting national education ministries, vocational training institutions and teacher training institutions to integrate climate change into existing curricula and training programmes.
The component's objective is to support the strengthening of the capacity of education ministries, training institutions, schools and teachers to plan and deliver education on climate change adaptation and mitigation.