CRGA 49 and 11th SPC Conference - Noumea, New Caledonia, 17-21 June 2019

Ocean Science - A sustainable future for the Blue Pacific. Sciences océaniques : un avenir durable pour le Pacifique bleu

49th Meeting of the Committee of Representatives of Governments and Administrations


11th Conference of the Pacific Community


Representatives of the 26 countries and territories that govern the Pacific Community (SPC) will gather in Noumea, New Caledonia, from 17 to 21 June 2019 for the 49th meeting of the Committee of Representatives of Governments and Administrations and the 11th Conference of the Pacific Community.

This will be a “paper smart” event, consistent with SPC’s environmental policy.

The Conference of the Pacific Community is SPC’s governing body and meets every two years. In years when the Conference does not meet, the Committee of Representatives of Governments and Administrations (CRGA) is empowered to make decisions on governance issues.

CRGA also has three sub-committees that report to it: the Sub-committee on the implementation of the Strategic Plan, the Pacific Board for Educational Quality and the Audit and Risk Committee.

The terms of reference for those committees and all SPC’s governance documents can be found in The Pacific Community Governance Compendium.

This session is highly recommended for all CRGA representatives, and will be facilitated externally.


These interactive sessions will demonstrate to all CRGA representatives and development partners some of the key areas of technical work that teams conduct in member states.


2019 corporate overview report, including:

  • Update on Pacific Community achievements and priorities
  • Update on programming • Implementation of CRGA 48 decisions
  • Learning and innovative opportunities in SPC
  • Update of CRGA out-of-session approvals
  • Staff Representative Committee’s report

Pacific Community Centre for Ocean Science (PCCOS)

Refer to Paper 3


a. Report from the PBEQ – a CRGA Sub-committee
The Pacific Board for Educational Quality (PBEQ) report to CRGA 

Refer to Paper 4.1

b. Update on Youth High-Level Dialogue Outcomes
Pacific Youth Development Framework

Refer to Paper 4.2


Report from the CRGA Subcommittee on Strategic Plan Implementation

Refer to paper 5.1


Item presented by the Secretariat and the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat

  • CROP Cohesion and Coordination, including regional governance and finance (refer to paper 6.1)
  • Implementation of SIS Leaders’ Strategy (refer to paper 6.2) 
  • Audit and Risk Committee report (paper 7.1)
  • 2018 Audited Financial Statements (paper 7.2)
  • Financial Performance Review 2019 based on approved 2019 budget (paper 7.3)
  • •Financial sustainability, and an update on the review of members’ assessed contributions and host country grants (paper 7.4)
  • Report on Human Resources (paper 7.5A)
  • Update on changes to the Staff Regulations (paper 7.5B)
  • Remuneration report (paper 7.6)

Permanent Observer applications from European Union and Germany - for consideration (Paper 8)


Director-General’s Performance Assessment (Paper 10.1)

Recruitment of Director-General (Paper 10.2)

  • Report from the Chair of the Selection Advisory Committee

Words of welcome: Dr Colin Tukuitonga, Director-General
Statement by outgoing: President of the Government of New Caledonia
Statement by incoming: Prime Minister of the Cook Islands

09.45–10.00: Keynote address: Honourable Henry Puna, Prime Minister of the Cook Islands

10.00–10.15: Presentation of the theme

  • Ms Tepaeru Herrmann, Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cook Islands
  • Dr Audrey Aumua, Deputy Director-General (Suva) SPC

10.15–11.15: Discussion on the theme:

  • Honourable Fiame Naomi Mata’afa, Deputy Prime Minister of Samoa
  • Ambassador Peter Thomson, United Nations Secretary General’s Special Envoy for the Ocean
  • Professor Gilles Bœuf, Lead French Scientist

11.15–12.30: Discussions (to be moderated by a representative of the Cook Islands)

(Conference Paper 1)

(Paper 2)

(Paper 3)


(Paper 4)

(Paper 5)

(Paper 6)

Session papers for CRGA and Conference will be made available to SPC members on a secure link. Access information will be provided soon. 


Watch this space for information on how media can follow the activities of CRGA, including accessing video and audio footage from the events key moments. 

