ESCAP Third Ministerial Conference on Regional Economic Cooperation and Integration in Asia and the Pacific

Bangkok, Thailand

Conference on Regional Economic Cooperation and Integration in Asia and the Pacific will focus on how regional economic cooperation and integration through market integration in terms of trade and investment value chains and seamless connectivity in terms of transport, energy, and ICT, can enable resilience to future crises, in an inclusive and sustainable manner. Further, given the growing importance of digitalization, the Ministerial will also examine how regional economic cooperation and integration can help countries in the region build inclusive and resilient digital economies and societies and effectively leverage future opportunities and challenges in market integration and connectivity. 

The Ministerial will build on the Commission Theme Study on “A Common Agenda for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific” by focusing on several areas of the Common Agenda’s commitment, namely, leaving no one behind, protecting our planet, improving digital cooperation, boosting partnerships, and being prepared through strategic foresight and supporting regional frameworks. This Ministerial will thus delve deeper into specific aspects of regional economic cooperation and integration which can help further our common agenda and attain the SDGs as well as find solutions to challenges arising from recent and ongoing crises.
Joint Event
Joint Partner
