Ocean and Climate Change Dialogue to consider how to strengthen adaptation and mitigation action

Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1, 53113 Bonn, Germany

The Conference of the Parties at COP 25, by its decision 1/CP.25 paragraph 31, requested the Chair of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) to convene at its fifty-second session (June 2020) a dialogue on the ocean and climate change to consider how to strengthen mitigation and adaptation action in this context. The COP also invited Parties and non-Party stakeholders to submit inputs via the submission portal by 31 March 2020 to inform the dialogue. The COP requested the Chair of the SBSTA to prepare an informal summary report on the dialogue.

The dialogue will provide a space for Parties and non-Party stakeholders to discuss how to strengthen adaptation and mitigation action on ocean and climate change, drawing upon the knowledge and scientific findings from IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate and the submissions from Parties and non-Party stakeholders.

The dialogue will be held over two days, on 2-3 December 2020 (21.30-24:00 CET both days). It will consist of a 2.5-hour sessions on each day, encompassing a high level opening on the first day, and plenary sessions and breakout discussions on both days.

Contact: Joanna Post

[email protected]

Joint Event


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