« En nous mobilisant dès aujourd’hui, notre génération pourra être porteuse d’un avenir plus sain. Le projet Wake Up! nous a permis de donner une place bien plus grande à l’art aux Fidji, tout en diffusant des messages pour le bien-être de tous. » Atueta Rabuka, jeune ambassadeur fidjien pour le projet.
(contenu complet disponible en anglais uniquement)
Fiji youths using art to share prevention and control messages for non-communicable disease (NCDs)
“If we make a change now, our generation can be the healing generation in the future and through the Wake-up project we have taken five steps ahead in the advancement of art in Fiji and using this to portray wellness messages”. These are the words of Atueta Rabuka, a member of the Fiji Wake up Youth Ambassadors.
The Fiji NCD youth ambassadors facilitated a non- communicable diseases (NCD) prevention and control workshop in Sabeto village, Nadi last month.
The workshop involved using art to communicate and learn about NCD prevention and control. Participants were taught basic art techniques and through games learned about NCD prevention and control. The participants then focused on NCDs such as heart diseases, lung cancer and diabetes and created artistic pieces of work to convey & create awareness messages on NCD prevention and control.
The NCD youth ambassadors said that Sabeto Village wanted to do something different with the mural. “When it comes to NCD prevention and control messages, usually its associated with risk factors. Sabeto Village decided to be creative and instead incorporate their traditional identity to depict that it’s a collective approach as a community to combat NCD”.
Milika Sivo Fiji NCD Youth ambassador said, “As youths, when we pick up a brochure, we do not read through it. But if it’s a picture then we will be engaged hence the idea to use art as a learning tool”.
NCDs are preventable and young people can take charge of their future and become healthy adults. SPC believes that young people have the power to inspire and become more involved in health promotion and NCD prevention and control activities. The Fiji NCD youth ambassadors not only inspired Sabeto village youths but also their parents and the elderly, as they participated in this workshop as well.
The Wake Up! Project, launched in 2017, with financial support from the Pacific Fund (France) and the Australian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), and implemented by the Pacific Community (SPC).