CRGA54 : Discours de Mareva Lechat-Kitalong, Déléguée aux affaires internationales, européennes et du Pacifique de la Polynésie française, hôte de la 54ème réunion du Comité des représentants des gouvernements et administrations de la CPS


(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement)

Speech from Mareva Lechat-Kitalong, Delegate for International, European and Pacific Affairs of French Polynesia, host of the 54th meeting of the Committee of Representatives of Governments and Administrations
5 - 6 November 2024 - Papeete, French Polynesia


Honorable Director,
Distinguished representatives, 
and Dear Friends of the Pacific,
Ia ora na , Manava e Maeva,

On behalf of the President and the people of French Polynesia, it is my privilege to extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to each of you at the 54th session of the Committee of Representatives of Governments and Administrations. Although the President could not be here this morning, he sends his sincerest apologies and his hope that our gathering will be marked by collaboration, unity, and meaningful progress.

As we come together, let us draw strength from the spirit of *Moana Nui a Hiva*, the vast and sacred ocean that has shaped our histories, cultures, and identities. For the Maohi people, and for many of our Pacific communities, this ocean has always been a pathway—one of exploration, connection, and resilience. Guided by the stars and the wisdom passed down through generations, our ancestors navigated *Moana Nui a Hiva*, forging ties that unite us still. This knowledge, the legacy of the great navigators of the Pacific, speaks to the courage, ingenuity, and unity of the Maohi civilization and all our island cultures.

The Pacific Community, through its programs, plays a pivotal role in supporting our collective journey. From initiatives in sustainable fisheries and marine resource management to projects in public health, climate resilience, and food security, the SPC is deeply engaged in addressing the unique needs of our region. Programs dedicated to capacity building, education, and statistical data collection also empower us to make informed, effective decisions for our communities.**

Today, many of our people face significant challenges—economic pressures and the high cost of living that impact daily life. In response, we are called to support each other through initiatives and programs that directly address these issues. By developing solutions tailored to our region’s unique needs, we can foster resilience, strengthen our communities, and ensure a better quality of life for all Pacific islanders.

As we embark on this CRGA 54 session, may our discussions be guided by the wisdom of our ancestors and the spirit of *Moana Nui a Hiva*. Let us seek solutions that not only uplift our communities but also preserve the rich heritage of the Maohi people and all the peoples of the Pacific. 

Thank you for your presence, your dedication, and may this gathering be a step toward a brighter, stronger Pacific for generations to come.

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Committee of Representatives of Governments and Administrations (CRGA)
Committee of Representatives of Governments and Administrations (CRGA)
French Polynesia
French Polynesia