The Pacific Organic Learning Farms Network (POLFN), a project at the Pacific Organic and Ethical Trade Community (POETCom), is overseeing the first session of its farmer training series at the Mudrenicagi Organic Learning Farm Centre located in Fiji’s Bua province. This comprehensive training program is designed to effectively introduce participants to agroecological principles and enhance their expertise through a practical, hands-on methodology focusing on organic farming techniques. These include permaculture, seed preservation, enhancing agroforestry diversity, mulching, composting, as well as integrating livestock with farm infrastructure and cultivating feed.
A cohort of fifteen farmers will convene at the Mudrenicagi Organic Learning Farm Centre where they will be guided by Farm Advisors Karen and Arthur Mills.
Contact: Emosi Cagi, In-Country Coordinator for Fiji under the Pacific Organic Learning Farms Network Project at the Pacific Community's Land Resources Division.