Le chiffre de la semaine : Aux Tonga, 96 % des emplois informels se trouvent dans des secteurs autres que l'agriculture
(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement)
Did you know? In Tonga, 96% of the informal employment is in non-agriculture sectors in 2021.
For more information on this indicator, click this link.
Le chiffre de la semaine : Aux Fidji, l'emploi dans l'agriculture représente 36% des personnes en âge de travailler
(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement)
In Fiji, employment in agriculture represents 36% of persons of working age. This is a reversal of the decline observed over the last two decades and may reflect a return to agricultural activities during the…
Populating labour market indicators and standardising microdata Workshop
The workshop is to be delivered in partnership between the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the Pacific Community (SPC), with funding support from the World Bank through the Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building (TFSCB), for the benefit…