Stat of the week: In 2019, over half of women aged 15 to 64 in Kiribati reported experiencing physical violence from their partner at least once in their lifetime

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) In 2019, over half of women aged 15 to 64 in Kiribati reported experiencing physical violence from their partner at least once in their lifetime. The Pacific region has some of the highest rates of violence…

Pencils to pixels: Pacific statistics ‘smarter, faster’ with SPC–World Bank tech and training

Pencils to pixels: Pacific statistics ‘smarter, faster’ with SPC–World Bank tech and training Computer tablets and cloud software are making Pacific statistics more accurate, advanced and cost-effective, with Pacific Community (SPC) support and World…

Pacific leaders at UN World Data Forum talk on data modernisation and climate change

Pacific statistics and data professionals led panel discussions on data modernisation and a climate-change case study last week, sharing insights and innovations from their region at the United Nations’ World Data Forum in Colombia.

Le chiffre de la semaine : en 2030, Nauru devrait avoir la plus forte proportion d’enfants, soit 37 %

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Le chiffre de la semaine : en 2019, près d'un décès sur trois aux Samoa a été attribué à des maladies cardiovasculaires, au cancer, au diabète ou à des maladies respiratoires chroniques

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) Stat of the week: In 2019, nearly 1 in 3 deaths in Samoa were attributed to cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, or chronic respiratory diseases This World Diabetes Day, we draw attention to the serious…

Le chiffre de la semaine : en 2021, 40 % des habitants du Pacifique vivaient à moins de 5 km de la côte

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Pacific representation at open-source meet-up supported by SPC and Pacific Data Hub

Le chiffre de la semaine : En 2022, 13% de la population de Wallis et Futuna était âgée de 65 ans et plus

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Le directeur des statistiques du CPS promeut le logiciel libre « R », né dans le Pacifique

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) SPC statistics director champions Pacific-born open-source software ‘R’Spreadsheets, spreadsheets, spreadsheets: With the public sector still powered by office stalwart Excel, SPC’s Director of Statistics…

Le chiffre de la semaine : en 2022, Nauru a atteint un taux remarquable de 100 % d'enseignants qualifiés

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