Construire ensemble la résilience : le parcours de co-conception d'Integrate Pasifika

Construire ensemble la résilience : le parcours de co-conception d'Integrate Pasifika

Îles Marshall : Identifier des ressources en agrégats pouvant être utilisées pour la construction

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) A team from the Pacific Community (SPC) visited the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) from the 23rd – 31st of October 2023 to present key findings of the aggregates study aimed at finding good…

Soutenir le réseau sismique régional océanien (ORSNET)

SPC has been working closely with the Oceania Regional Seismic Network (ORSNET), through the Pacific Resilience Project, to strengthen seismic monitoring and detection, as part of strengthening national and regional multi-hazard early warning systems.…

Impact du changement climatique : des systèmes de prévisions opérationnels au Samoa et aux Tonga

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) Key Samoa and Tonga Meteorological Services personnel attended the Impact-Based Forecasting training from 18 to 22 September 2023 in Nadi, Fiji. The workshop provided hands-on operational experience with the…

Imagerie Lidar pour le Vanuatu et les Tonga

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement)

7th Meeting of Oceania Regional Seismic Network (ORSNET), and 7th Session of the PTWS Working Group 2: Task team Seismic Data Sharing in the Southwest Pacific

The 7th Annual Meeting of Oceania Regional Seismic Network (ORSNET) meet this week in Nuku’alofa, Tonga, to discuss the regional seismic network and how it can be further strengthened to improve early warning and preparedness. The Pacific Island…

Atténuation des risques de tremblement de terre et de tsunami dans le Pacifique

(Contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) Pacific Island Countries (PICs) are among the most vulnerable nations to adverse impacts of climate change and natural hazards such as cyclones, storm surges, floods, drought, earthquakes, and tsunamis. PICs…
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