Jean-Baptiste Marre

Jean-Baptiste Marre
Adviser – Climate Finance

Jean-Baptiste joined SPC in August 2014 to take on the position of RESCCUE Project Officer. Since 2009, he is Adviser – Climate Finance. Before that, he completed a joint PhD in Environmental Economics between the University of Western Britany and Queensland University of Technology. His research was about the economic valuation of coastal and marine ecosystem services in support of decision-making, with applications in New Caledonia and Australia. He notably collaborated with Ifremer, CSIRO and various universities in Australia, and with the French Initiative for Coral Reefs (Ifrecor).

Holding a master degree in Environmental and Sustainable Development Economics (AgroParisTech), Jean-Baptiste started his career as a research assistant at IRD. He also worked as a consultant at the Centre of Industrial Economics (CERNA), MinesParisTech, where he contributed to two macroeconomic studies for the World Bank on natural capital and sustainable growth.

His key expertise areas include environmental and ecological economics, ecosystem services and natural capital assessment, integrated coastal management, marine protected areas management and governance, economic valuation and in particular non-market valuation.

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Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability
Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability