Transforming tuna fisheries data into scientific advice: explained by Raijeli and Jemery, two of the Pacific Community's scientists.
The Western Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) Scientific Committee (SC) gathers annually, standing as one of the two pillars supporting the annual assembly of the WCPFC in December. As at its first meeting in 2005, the SC continues to…
Tuna Expedition: Science and discovery in the Pacific
A conversation with Ms Moss-Christian, WCPFC Executive Director at the 15th Heads of Fisheries meeting
Meet Ms Rhea Moss-Christian, Executive Director for Western Central Pacific Fisheries Commission, who discusses the crucial support provided by the Pacific Community in tuna stock assessment during the 15th SPC's Heads of Fisheries Meeting.
Are Marine Protected Areas effective for tuna conservation?
The first-ever quantitative evaluation of the contribution of no-take Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) to the conservation of tropical tunas in the western and central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) has been published in Frontiers in Marine Science.
SPC's 75th anniversary: In October 1977, the very first SPC's tagging cruise commenced
In October 1977 the first SPC tagging cruise commenced. Over the next three years the programme tagged 160,276 fish in all – far beyond the original projections of 100,000 – and visited the waters of every SPC member country, even Pitcairn.
Have you ever wondered what is the status of the tuna stocks in the western and central Pacific?
Have you ever wondered what is the status of the tuna stocks in the western and central Pacific?
There are four main tuna stocks found in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) - skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares…
“Honestly, I can't get enough of it. Everyone else goes and sleeps in their bunks and I sleep out on the fish box. It's my favorite place.“
Hello from the Pacific tuna taggers!
Photo credit: SPC/Chris Stoehr
By Giulia Anderson
SPC scientist, on board of the Gutsy Lady 4
Napo'opo'o native, Giulia Anderson, is SPC fisheries molecular geneticist embarked on the 2021 6-week research expedition to monitor the health of world’s…
The on-board diary of Pacific Tuna taggers : the first days
Image: Preparation of fishing lures
My name is Giulia, I’m a fish molecular geneticist, working at the Pacific Community and this is my second time onboard the Pacific tropical tuna tag cruise to monitor the health of the region’s stocks. Last year, I…
Fisheries Story: Fat is a sign of good health for Tuna
Do you know what a Fatmeter is? It is an electronic device to measure the amount of fat present. It has been used over the past 10 years by the SPC Fisheries scientist team to measure fat content in individual tuna. Simple and quick, the scientist…