Data sharing collaboration makes Pacific health information more accessible than ever before

Image: Kolovai Health Centre in Tonga, credit: DFAT   The Pacific Data Hub and Tupaia today announced a data sharing collaboration that will see publicly available health data on the Pacific made more accessible…

Food consumption in Solomon Islands: based on the analysis of the 2012/13 household income and expenditure survey

Stat of the week: 47% of households in PNG had access to electricity in 2018

47% of households in Papua New Guinea had access to electricity in 2018, a big improvement from the 20% figure in 2010.  

Using data to unravel the complex web of food systems

Image: Vegetables stalls at Auki market, Malaita Province, Solomon Islands. Credit: Filip Milovac, WorldFish The term “food systems” refers to the web of actions and interactions involving the production, processing, transport, trade, marketing and…

Stat of the week: The maximum height above sea level in Tokelau is only 5 metres

Did you know the maximum height above sea level in Tokelau is only 5 metres?

CRVS Profiles for the Pacific region

The Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) profiles consolidate knowledge shared by countries on the status of their CRVS systems in the recent past, including through government websites, published reports, media releases and presentations, and…

Mobile Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping of Food Systems: Supporting Access to Timely and Open Data in the Pacific

Photo: Latest dashboard from COVID-19 mVAM Survey of Containment Areas in Fiji (August 2021) - WFP Timely access to reliable data on food security is vital for decision making in times of crisis, especially for the Pacific in the context of the…

Stat of the week: 98% of children in Palau achieve minimum proficiency in literacy by the end of primary school

  98% of children in Palau achieve minimum proficiency in literacy by the end of primary school. (PILNA 2018)

The importance of good data: Pacific food trade

Photo: Container Ship, Apia, Samoa - Credit: Michael Coghlan

Stat of the week: There is 7.3 grams of dietary fibre in 100g of coconut flesh

In 100g of coconut flesh (Cocos nucifera) there is 7.3 grams of dietary fibre. The @WHO recommends adults consume 25-30g of fibre per day.
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