Pacific leaders at UN World Data Forum talk on data modernisation and climate change

Pacific statistics and data professionals led panel discussions on data modernisation and a climate-change case study last week, sharing insights and innovations from their region at the United Nations’ World Data Forum in Colombia.

Aligning Pacific education data systems with global standards

Sub-regional workshop on SDG 4 templates for international education data collection

Voicing Pacific’s education progress on the international stage 

The Pacific Community (SPC) presented the Pacific’s education progress in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 indicators at the 22nd Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers (CCEM) held in…

Equipping teachers to improve the region’s literacy standards

SPC celebrating the International Day of Education 2024 The Pacific Community (SPC), in partnership with the Ministry of Education Fiji and the Teachers to Leaders (T2L) team, launched the PILNA TV videos during the International Day of Education…

A win for the Pacific

How is early childhood education affecting student learning outcomes in the Pacific?

This article was published on the Australian Council for Educational Research - ACER's website and reshared below. Watch the video to understand how equity and access to early childhood education contribute to learning outcomes at school.

Bolstering the Pacific’s monitoring of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal 4 focussing on Education

Launch of the Status of Pacific Education Report (SOPER) 2022

International Day of Forests 2023: Let’s work toward healthy forests for healthy people in the Pacific

Equipping Pacific’s future leaders by prioritizing education today!

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