Empowering Water Security in the Pacific: Pacific Partnership for Atoll Water Security

Building capacity for water quality testing in Nauru and Tokelau

In the face of growing water scarcity challenges, the Managing Water Scarcity through Water Resources Management project, funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (NZ MFAT), is empowering Pacific communities with the tools and…

Securing a sustainable future: Water Security partnership brings relief to Pacific Islands

Tokelau PGCFE Training on Health Information Systems and Field Epidemiology

These two training modules, entitled "Introduction to Health Information Systems" and "Introduction to Epidemiology and Field Epidemiology" are part of the Postgraduate Certificate in Field Epidemiology (PGCFE) course under the  Pacific Public…

Stat of the week: Tokelau has three health facilities for 1,647 people (TNSO, 2019)

Tokelau has three health facilities for 1,647 people (TNSO, 2019). That is approximately 1.8 health facilities per 1000 inhabitants. These facilities are located in the three main areas: Anafu, Fakaofo, and Nukunonu. We count an average of 35 Health…

Training for shipping of infectious substances is key to identifying health security risks

A series of trainings on shipping infectious substances is underway in the Pacific to help public health laboratories strengthen capacity and identify health security risks efficiently.

Overcoming the Pandemic: Regional Commitment to build a brighter future for Pacific children

The Pacific Community (SPC) will be launching the results of the Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (PILNA), on 8 September during the International Literacy Day celebrations, using a more interactive digital reporting version that will be…

Waitangi Day 2022

Photo: Wikimedia Commons, Michal Klajban

Stat of the week: The maximum height above sea level in Tokelau is only 5 metres

Did you know the maximum height above sea level in Tokelau is only 5 metres?

Green News: Rising sea level threatens atoll nations

For atoll nations, where people live on land that rises to an average of 2 meters above sea level, a rising ocean threatens their very existence. More ambitious action is needed to prevent them from becoming uninhabitable, and preserve plant and animal…
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