The Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (PILNA) measures and monitors the achievement of Year 4 and Year 6 students in literacy and numeracy. The Assessment is carried out in select schools across 15 Pacific Island Countries and in 10 different languages.
PILNA will be administered in two days (a day for literacy and another for numeracy) across the 15 countries in the following timeline:
- 12 – 13 September: Fiji
- 03 – 04 October: Niue
- 15 – 19 October: Nauru
- 16 – 17 October: Cook Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu
- 17 – 18 October: Palau, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands
- 18 – 19 October: Tuvalu
- 23 – 24 October: Samoa and Tokelau
- 24 – 25 October: Kiribati
- 25 – 26 October: Federated States of Micronesia and the Republic of Marshall Islands
Essentially, PILNA results are to be provided to the Ministry of Education of the 15 countries to help improve student literacy and numeracy. The results are not used to judge schools or pupils as the reporting is done at the country level.
PILNA is one part of the work carried out by the Educational Quality and Assessment Program (EQAP) of the Pacific Community (SPC). Beginning 2018, through a partnership agreement among Australia, New Zealand and SPC, the Australian government has committed $AUD 15.5 million for a span of five years and the New Zealand government has committed $NZD 5 million for the next three years to support EQAP work, including the PILNA program. The partnership directly contributes to the 6 education outcome areas which have been identified by SPC and its partners as priorities for the Pacific, one of which is raising student achievement in literacy and numeracy. The funding, as well as a technical partnership with the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), puts SPC in a solid position to serve educational needs in the region.
For more information, please contact:
Agustin de la Varga, Principal Adviser, EQAP | [email protected]