In April 2018, the Pacific Community (SPC) adopted its first social and environmental policy, with the objective of integrating the well-being of people and environmental protection as a core component of each of its projects. This bold commitment led to the creation of a social and environmental responsibility (SER) helpdesk - a project screening tool for SER inclusion.
The aim is to ensure that every project contributes to a safe and healthy environment for Pacific Islanders; to make the reduction of social inequalities and gender mainstreaming a priority, and to foster the constant involvement of communities in decision-making processes.
Three SPC divisions - The Regional Rights Resource Team, the Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme, and the Social Development Programme – have joined forces to launch the helpdesk and share their expertise in key areas such as human rights, environmental impact, gender, youth and culture.
The desk is available to all SPC divisions and can be contacted for assistance at the early stages of project design to help with the writing of project concept notes and terms of reference.
To learn more about how SPC projects can be socially inclusive, environmentally responsible, rights-based and people-centred, please click on this link.
Aude Chenet, SPC Environmental Sustainability Coordinator | [email protected]