Inside CRGA 54: Highlights from the meeting


The Pacific Community (SPC) and French Polynesia were pleased to welcome Government Officials from across the Pacific, along with members of international organisations in Papeete, French Polynesia, for the Pacific Community’s (SPC) 54th meeting of the Committee of Representatives of Governments and Administrations (CRGA 54) from 5 to 6 November. 

"We have been one people for centuries, united by one ocean— that we call today the Blue Pacific Continent. SPC’s technical work, from scientific research to policy guidance and capacity building, enhances our ability to meet development goals and promote health, education, environmental sustainability, and economic growth." – H.E. Moetai Brotherson, President of French Polynesia

H.E. Moetai Brotherson, President of French Polynesia | S.E. Moetai Brotherson, Président de la Polynésie française
H.E. Moetai Brotherson, President of French Polynesia


CRGA 54 Opening

In her opening speech as Chair of CRGA 54, Margaret Pedro, Tokelau's Manager Support Services - Department of Transport & Support Services highlighted how for 78 years, SPC has been a pillar of regional cooperation, offering scientific and technical expertise, and supporting the diverse aspirations of our members. This legacy continues to be central to our discussions. Read her speech


Director-General's Report: SPC achievements and challenges in 2024 

SPC Director-General Dr. Stuart Minchin presented on the success and challenges of 2024. He reflected on a challenging but inspiring year with and alongside the members that we are privileged to serve. 

"I extend my deepest gratitude to our members and partners for their unwavering support and solidarity during 2024. Your collaboration and belief in our shared mission have been instrumental in guiding our path forward." See the report

The Pacific Community in 2024: Year in review 

2024 was a year that focused on Pacific Peoples, staff and our values as an organisation. 

Some of the highlights included celebration and safeguarding of Pacific Cultures and practices with the Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture (FestPAC), regional cooperation, and gender equality including the 15th Triennial Conference of Pacific Women. 

Youth voices also led the way in setting their agenda for future development through the Pacific Youth Ministers meeting, Science in action such as the reality of sea level rise on communities, and regional integration which contributed to strengthening our resilience.

Climate Change Flagship

A fundamental ingredient to achieve a climate-compatible future is increased access to climate finance and increased ability to absorb this effectively over time. The regional architecture of the Pacific is playing a key role in this regard, and within this, SPC has deployed the Climate Change Flagship to be clear about what its contribution to this effort is across the entire organisation. – Coral Pasisi, SPC's Climate Change and Sustainability Director.

Coral Pasisi at CRGA 54
Coral Pasisi, SPC's Climate Change and Sustainability Director at CRGA 54

Gender Flagship

SPC plays a leading role in advancing gender equality and women’s leadership across the Pacific region. Mereseini Rakuita, SPC's Principal Strategic Lead - Women and girls, highlighted how SPC is working on gender equality for empowering women and girls in all their diversity but also as a catalyst for strategic policy discussions and actions on gender equality across the Pacific. More about the flagship

Mereseini Rakuita, SPC's Principal Strategic Lead - Women and girls at CRGA 54
Mereseini Rakuita, SPC's Principal Strategic Lead - Women and girls at CRGA 54

What happened in the margin of the event?

PROTEGE Project Exhibition

Delegations had a chance to look at this exhibition highlighting key actions that the PROTEGE project has carried out in the four European Pacific overseas countries and territories, i.e. French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Wallis and Futuna, and Pitcairn.

PROTEGE Exhibition

New Zealand's Partnership Framework renewal

On the margins of CRGA 54, New Zealand has renewed its Partnership Framework with SPC, a recommitment to our relationship for the next 10 years (2025-2034) by working together in the spirit of friendship and trust, learning from the past and looking to the future.

NZ and SPC signing in the margin of crga 54


The Pacific Community's (SPC) annual governance meeting, which brought together our 27 members had come to a close on Wednesday 6 November in Papeete, French Polynesia, with the adoption of the CRGA54 Decisions. This annual gathering is an important opportunity to engage with members, reflect on the year's achievements, and address critical issues to ensure accountability and receive guidance for future work. We extend our thanks to French Polynesia for being our gracious and welcoming host for CRGA54, alongside Tokelau as Chair and Tuvalu as Co-Chair. Tonga will host SPC's CRGA55 and the 14th Conference of the Pacific Community (SPC).

CRGA & Conference: from Tuvalu to Tonga 

Hon. Hu'akavameiliku, Prime Minister of Tonga invites members of the Pacific Community (SPC) to Nuku'alofa in 2025 for our 14th Conference of SPC to be held alongside SPC's annual governing meeting the Committee of Representatives of Governments and Administrations (CRGA55) next year.


Documents and images 

For more information, please contact: 

  • Lisa Kingsberry, Director of Communications at the Pacific Community (SPC) | [email protected] (English only) 
  • Clotilde Richalet, Outreach and Engagement Advisor at the Pacific Community (SPC) | [email protected]
  • Camille Menaouer, Online Community Officer at the Pacific Community (SPC) | [email protected] 
  • For general media inquiries, please contact [email protected]
Suva Regional Office
Melanesia Regional Office
Micronesia Regional Office
Polynesia Regional Office
SPC's European Office


Suva Regional Office
Melanesia Regional Office
Micronesia Regional Office
Polynesia Regional Office
SPC's European Office
Committee of Representatives of Governments and Administrations (CRGA)
Committee of Representatives of Governments and Administrations (CRGA)