Green News: Let's not waste water, let's protect it

Fiche focus n°1 : la consommation de l'eau

Did you know that a tap left open will produce nearly 20,000 Liters/day? This is the daily consumption of 70 families of 4 people.

Let's not waste water, let's protect it. An educational toolkit on the water theme has just been created for the schools of Wallis and Futuna with the actors of the territory, as part of the PROTEGE project.

For more information, please visit the project's website

Educational toolkit - PDF(in French only)

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Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability


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Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability
Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability
Green News Series
Drinking water
World Water Day
Pacific Territories Regional Project for Sustainable Ecosystem Management (PROTEGE)
European Union (EU)
Green News Series
Drinking water
World Water Day
Pacific Territories Regional Project for Sustainable Ecosystem Management (PROTEGE)
European Union (EU)
Wallis and Futuna
Wallis and Futuna
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