Supporting Pacific Leadership for Climate Action
SPC is strongly committed to providing strategic support to Pacific Island Countries (PICs) in achieving their climate ambition.To this end and to help them achieve their pledge made under the Paris Agreement, including post-2020 actions for climate resilience and low carbon development, SPC is coordinating its efforts with other regional partners through the Regional Pacific Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Hub.
Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are national climate change plans that highlight a country’s climate actions through climate-related targets, policies and projects. As signatories to the Paris Agreement, countries are required to prepare, communicate and maintain successive NDCs in order to contribute to global climate action.
Launched in 2017 by the Prime Minister of Fiji,COP 23 President, Honourable Bainimarama, the Pacific NDC Hub is a coordinated regional support mechanism for Pacific Island Countries (PICs) to enhance, implement and finance their climate commitments.
SPC is a natural partner for the Hub through which it provides strategic support to help Pacific Island countries achieve their climate ambition by:
- Providing technical assistance, including for NDC planning, policy, legislation
- Enhancing sharing of information and knowledge management
- Showcasing Pacific climate leadership in key regional and global fora
- Hosting the NDC Hub Secretariat in Suva, Fiji, and the NDC Hub website
The Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) received a grant from GIZ to ensure the coordination with the relevant SPC Divisions for the successful implementation of SPC's support and to provide technical oversight.
Access the Strategy 2030 of the Regional Pacific NDC Hub here.
SPC's support to countries
The objective is to establish scalable, adaptable, low-technology systems for communities and families to reduce greenhouse gases emissions and promote environmental and human health.
The review of Nauru's 2017 Water and Sanitation Master Plan will make the approach to disposing reticulated water & sewage more environmentally sustainable, contextually appropriate and affordable by harnessing existing systems and traditional methods. This review will also help mobilize more investments for the WASH sector.
Using a multi-sectoral approach, the review included consultations and close collaboration with several government departments to ensure national ownership. As the Plan is linked to Nauru's Low Emissions Development Strategy, the recommendations added to it will be considered for long-term planning and help ensure a sustainable and safe long-term water supply to Nauru's population.
Agriculture is a key sector to help achieve Nauru's NDC targets and is central to the national adaptation strategy. This work has resulted in the release of Nauru’s first Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) plan articulating strategic needs, priorities and capacity building needs. In addition an inventory of appropriate climate resilient technologies was produced, and a vulnerability assessment for the agriculture sector was organized, as well as training activities for Nauru extension officers.
The objective is to produce a Climate Change communication Strategy to raise public awareness of climate change and related national policies among Niue citizens and other stakeholders, while ensuring consistent messaging across all governmental institutions and greater communication coordination for more effective engagement at the national level.
The main objective is to enhance the capacity of staff and partners of Niue Environment Agency through the development and delivery of a comprehensive training module on NDCs’ and Paris Agreement process. This enhanced understanding and capacity on NDCs will strengthen the capacity of Niue Environment Agency to develop, evaluate and prioritize potential actions for NDC implementation.
The regulation for energy efficiency has been developed by SPC and is expected to help lower greenhouse gases emissions significantly. Once rhe regulation is adopted, new importations will be restricted to energy efficient appliances and new energy efficiency standards for buildings will apply.
A consultation workshop was organized to increase the understanding of Palau’s NDC targets, as well as the role of the energy efficiency regulation in achieving them. This resulted in positive engagement from the government, the private sector and development organizations which will facilitate the implementation of the regulation.
The awareness materials are aimed to increase awareness of and understanding of the Nationally determined Contribution (NDC) among decision makers, stakeholders and communities in Tonga, with the final goal to strengthen collective efforts towards the achievement of NDC targets under the leadership of the Department of Climate Change.
The objective is to review and update the Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction (CC-DRR) Policy.