The Sustainable Development Goals and the Education 2030 Framework for Action have put ambitious targets for the countries globally to achieve high-quality education for all moving from access and participation to ensuring the availability of quality education for all. To achieve this ambition, data and monitoring play a vital role in devising national policies and strategies to achieve the targets by 2030.
The SDG4 monitoring framework has given the central responsibility of monitoring to Member States to track their country's progress towards achieving SDG 4. Member States are responsible for developing their monitoring system, developing indicators and data collection mechanisms to ensure quality data is available for timely planning and developing appropriate policies. Global and regional education data depend on the country's capacity in producing the data, the data coverage and its availability for analysis and usefulness. The data production at the country level should be relevant for the country's policymaking and planning and to assess the progress. On the contrary, the lack of data causes a negative consequence for policymaking and planning in the country.