TOKSAVE- Une ressource pour sur la recherche et les connaissances sur le genre dans le Pacifique lancée lors de la 14e manifestation parallèle triennale


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TOKSAVE- Pacific gender resource launched during the 14th Triennial side-event

TOKSAVE- Pacific Gender Resource, an online portal which aims to make quality Pacific Gender research and knowledge accessible and discoverable, was officially launched at the 14th Triennial Conference of Pacific Women side- event on 23 April 2021.

University students, academics, and researchers in the field of gender research will be able to get information from this mobile and user-friendly online platform that currently have over 600 research articles.

toksave portal.jpgSenior Lecturer and Deputy Head of School of Law and Social Science at the University of the South Pacific (USP), Margaret Mishra says TOKSAVE brings together research that studies the production, reproduction and resistance to norms that produce inequality across all genders.

“By having access to resources about men, women, Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex communities, we can better understand how gender is performed, and woven into our everyday lives.

“We are in a better position to critique the structures and the practices that contribute to our oppression,” Mishra said.  

Mishra added that "TOKSAVE will offer a safe space for us to critically evaluate inequalities, highlighted through our research. Through these dialogues, we can bring about change in our homes, in our communities in our countries, the region and the world.”

Associate Professor of Pacific Studies at the University of Auckland, Yvonne Underhill-Sem says TOKSAVE will highlight the pre-existing research and grow a community of researchers.

“We wanted it to be sure that it [TOKSAVE portal] highlighted the research that was happening in our region, the ways it was done, and the connections to other older researches and research entities.

“We also need to build new generations of researchers who have the courage and confidence to be innovative and creative, so that we can bring those insights and make the kind of difference we really want.

“TOKSAVE belongs to the people, and it is your one stop platform for gender research in the Pacific,” Yvonne said.

The TOKSAVE online resource was put together by a Reference Group made up of representatives from the University of the South Pacific, National University of Samoa, University of Papua New Guinea, University of Auckland, Australian National University, and the Pacific Community (SPC).

The portal can be accessed here and is live now.

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