2021 en un coup d'oeil : géosciences, energie et services maritimes

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) Across Ocean Science, Disaster & Climate Resilience, Energy Security and innovative digital technologies the SPC's Geoscience, Energy and Maritime (GEM) Division have worked alongside our Members to drive…

Digital Earth Pacific: Needs assessment report

Contact: Akuila Tawake: [email protected]  

Ocean Science Fact: on peut trouver plus de 4 000 espèces de poissons dans les écosystèmes récifaux

Across the world, coral reefs support more species than any other marine environment. In fact, more than 4,000 species of fish can be found throughout reef ecosystems.   

0cean Science Fact: pas aussi salé partout ?

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) Did you know that the Pacific Ocean is generally less salty than the Atlantic?  

Nauru Strategic roadmap for emergency management 2021-2023

Ocean Science Fact: Il est grand temps de laisser tomber le S !

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) It is high time to drop the S! We may give different parts of it different names but there is only one Ocean and it works as a whole to help make all Life On Earth possible. For more information:…

Publication des calendriers de prévision des marées 2022 ; un nouveau calendrier pour les îles Ebeye-Marshall

(disponible en anglais uniquement) 2022 Tide Prediction Calendars released; a new calendar for Ebeye-Marshall Islands Tide Prediction Calendars for 24 Pacific locations were distributed last week to National Meteorological Services and ocean…

Ocean Science Fact: L'océan absorbe environ 1/3 du CO2 créé par les activités humaines

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) At COP 26, the Glasgow Climate Pact recognised the importance of the ocean to address climate change. The message is clear: any climate action or sustainable development path will require a focus on the ocean.

La Communauté du Pacifique et l'Organisation du tourisme du Pacifique réaffirment leur partenariat en faveur de pratiques touristiques durables dans la région

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) Pacific Community and the Pacific Tourism Organisation reaffirm partnership towards sustainable tourism practices in the region The Pacific is paving the way for the development of the regions first UNESCO…

Tonga Strategic Roadmap for Emergency Risk Management

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