Les Aires Marines Protégées sont-elles efficaces pour la conservation du thon ?

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) Are Marine Protected Areas effective for tuna conservation? The first-ever quantitative evaluation of the contribution of no-take Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) to the conservation of tropical tunas in the…

De nouvelles qualifications régionales pour renforcer les systèmes alimentaires dans le Pacifique : « Ces micro-qualifications nous aideront dans nos efforts »​​​​​​​

(contenu disponible en anglais uniquement)

Limited conservation efficacy of large-scale marine protected areas for Pacific skipjack and bigeye tunas

Large-scale, no-take marine protected areas (MPAs) have been established in several locations in the Pacific and expansion of such areas to reach 30% of the ocean area is actively promoted in some quarters. Justification for the establishment of large…

Temps forts de la CPS en 2022 : la communauté Va'ulele a établi la première ferme de production de viande perlière aux Fidji

Ma vie de bêche-de-mer en Océanie - Identifier les holothuries à l’état vivant

Ma vie de bêche-de-mer en Océanie - La vie des holothuries

Ocean Science Fact: Saviez-vous que 90 % des tremblements de terre se produisent autour de la "ceinture de feu" ?

Did you know 90% of earthquakes occur around the “Ring of Fire”?

Gardiens du Pacifique : Itimatang, un pêcheur de Kiribati

"We can see from seasonal closures that schools of fish are migrating back to the shoreline". Itimatang Beita, a fisher from Kiribat. Across the region, governments and communities are working together to help ensure our fish restock our fishing grounds…

The western and central Pacific tuna fishery: 2021 overview and status of stocks

(Contenu disponible en anglais uniquement)

Accroître le rôle des femmes du Pacifique dans la gestion des pêches

Series of SPC stories for 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence (GBV) 2022, demonstrating how science and technical support contributes to ending GBV. More women are being included alongside men community leaders, government officials and…
Displaying 81 - 90 of 449