Green tip of the month: Let's adapt our transportation

World Environment Day 2024

World Ocean's Day 2024

Green tip of the month: Education Day is an excellent opportunity to support learning about the environment and climate change

Carbon Footprint: Did you know that every search on a search engine generates between 0.2 and 7 grams of CO2?

To compensate for the global CO2 emissions’ resulting from Google queries per day, it would be necessary to plant 2 million trees daily. Some everyday gestures can help reduce these outputs!

Green tip: What are the effect of climate change in the Pacific Region?

What do coffee, fisheries, and sugar have in common? These products will probably undergo the effects of climate change in the Pacific region. Climate change is not just a distant threat, but a reality that is already impacting…

Découvrez la mallette pédagogique sur la pêche durable de Wallis et Futuna

Elle est constituée de : quiz sur les espèces, posters sur le cycle des poissons, leur anatomie…, un jeu de l’oie, et de nombreux supports pédagogiques tous plus intéressants les uns que les autres ! Découvrez le projet :
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