The Pacific Community (SPC) and climate change: Building resilient communities in the Pacific

SPC's Director of Environmental Sustainability Programme on SPC and climate change

This week, the Pacific Community and Partners are at COP 25 in Madrid. Listen to Sylvie Goyet, SPC's Director of Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme on how SPC helps its members countries and territories address the threat of…

Visit in New Caledonia of Mr. Sujiro Seam, Ambassador of the European Union for the Pacific

As part of his first formal visit to New Caledonia, Mr. Sujiro SEAM, Ambassador of the  European Union for the Pacific, met the main stakeholders of the territory. He notably visited some of the projects funded by the European Development Fund (…

Dr Colin Tukuitonga on Climate Change

The Director-General of the Pacific Community discusses the impacts of climate change in the region, and the action that must be undertaken to help vulnerable island countries adapt.

The Pacific Community and Climate Change


At the Moana Blue Pavilion – COP25 in Madrid Thursday 5 December 2019 11h15-12h15

Special Report on Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC): A Pacific perspective - A Pacific Community Side Event at COP25

Thursday 5 December 2019 10:00 – 11:00 Moana Blue Pacific Pavilion The IPCC approved and accepted Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC) at its 51st Session held on 20 – 23 September 2019.

Pacific Ports 2030-2050 - A Pacific Community Side Event at COP 25

​Developing and implementing a regional vision and approach towards Resilient, Green and Clean Ports in the Pacific islands region. Theme: Sustainable use of the ocean.

Forum de l'eau NC

COP 25 - Side event: Assessing the impact of climate change and sea level rise on Pacific islands maritime boundaries

​Assessing the impact of climate change and sea level rise on Pacific islands maritime boundaries.The purpose of this note is to provide the facilitator and speakers with information on the side event on the impact of climate change on maritime…
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