Ocean Science Fact: L'élévation du niveau de la mer sera multipliée par deux à sept fois au cours du siècle.

Global mean sea level (GMSL) is rising and the phenomenon is accelerating. Indeed, last century (1901-2000) GMSL rose by 15cm, whereas predictions for the 2011-2100 period are an additional 30 cm to 110 cm, depending on the area and the carbon emission…

Webinairesur les aires marine protégé

Rendez-vous le 21 juin (9h-10h30 Heure de Paris) pour notre second webinaire sur le thème :   "Les aires marines protégées, un outil pertinent pour le Pacifique?"

Dernières parutions de la CPS : notre avenir dépend de la bonne santé de l’océan

La Communauté du Pacifique (CPS) présente ici une sélection de publications produites par la CPS elle-même et ses partenaires, afin de mettre en évidence les importants travaux scientifiques et techniques en cours dans le Pacifique bleu.

A Fisheries Science Vessel for the Pacific

PCCOS is working with SPC's Fisheries, Aquaculture and Maritime and Geoscience, Energy and Maritime Divisions, along with external partners and collaborators on the acquisition of Fisheries Science Vessel for the Pacific.

Ocean Science Fact: Did you know that the Pacific Ocean is the climate’s main regulator?

The Pacific Ocean is the world’s heat engine, having a crucial role in regulating weather and the climate (think of El Niño!). The ocean influences weather and climate by storing solar radiation, redistributing heat and moisture around the globe, and…

The Pacific Community Centre for Ocean Science (PCCOS) Brochure

World Ocean's Day

Ocean Science Fact: Certains requins vivant aujourd'hui sont nés dans les années 1600.

Some shark species can live very long lives. The Greenland shark, which lives in the Artic, has the longest known lifespan of all vertebrate species.  It can live for over 400 years, and potentially much longer. Learn more from PCCOS.

Lettre d'information des pêches n°167


World Oceans Summit Asia-Pacific

The Asia-Pacific is the region that is perhaps most vulnerable to climate change and ocean degradation, being heavily dependent on the seas for food provision and economic development. Challenges with pollution, climate change impacts, biodiversity loss…
Displaying 71 - 80 of 155