Ocean Science Fact: tous les poissons n'ont pas le sang froid

Did you know that not all fish are cold-blooded? The opah, or moonfish, is the only known warm-blooded fish on Earth. Recent studies shown that the opah circulates heated blood throughout its body, giving it a competitive advantage in the cold ocean…

Ocean Science Fact: 99% des coraux constructeurs de récifs sont menacés par le réchauffement climatique

Some habitat-forming coastal ecosystems including many coral reefs, and seagrass meadows, will undergo irreversible phase shifts due to marine heatwaves with global warming levels >1.5°C.  Source: IPCC Report  

Protéger notre océan

La santé de nos océans est naturellement liée à la santé des population et de notre planète. Il nous faut donc agir de toute urgence pour stopper cette spirale infernale et inverser la tendance.

Opening Remarks by Dr. Stuart Minchin, Director-General of the Pacific Community at the Blue Climate Summit

Check against delivery   Opening Remarks by Dr. Stuart Minchin, Director-General of the Pacific Community Blue Climate Summit French Polynesia  

RNZ: The Director General of the Pacific Community says accessing climate finance remains a challenge in the Pacific.

Stat of the week: 1.97 million km2 de la zone économique exclusive des îles Cook sont couverts par des zones marines protégées.

Did you know? 1.97 million km2 of the Cook Islands Exclusive Economic Zone are covered by marine protected areas.

Blue Climate Summit

A High-Level Summit to Accelerate Impact The Blue Climate Summit will be held in French Polynesia on May 14-20, 2022. This global convening of 250+ carefully selected ocean leaders and champions in the heart of the Pacific promises to be a uniquely…

Ocean Science Fact: Les prises de poissons dans certaines parties du Pacifique devraient diminuer d'au moins la moitié d'ici 2100

(Contenu disponible en anglais uniquement) Climate change is expected to have disastrous impacts on island food security and food systems. Most Pacific Island Countries could experience ≥ 50% declines in maximum fish catch potential by 2100 relative to…

Ocean Science Fact : Le point Nemo est l'endroit le plus reculé de la planète

Have you ever heard of the Point Nemo? It is the most remote place on the planet, situated 2,700 km from any emerged land (Pitcairn, Easter Island and the Antartica). It is also known as the “ocean pole of inaccessibility.” The Point Nemo is named after…

Ocean Science Fact: Le corail est une colonie de petits animaux

Coral is constituted of tiny animals which are generally highly sensitive to water temperature and acidity. Though, some coral species can survive in extreme conditions, such as deep-sea or warm and low-pH environments.  Learn more at: https://www.…
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