The western and central Pacific tuna fishery: 2021 overview and status of stocks

The tuna fisheries assessment report (commonly referred to as the "TFAR") provides current information on the tuna fisheries of the western and central Pacific Ocean and the fish stocks (mainly tuna) that are impacted by them. The information provided in…

Increasing Pacific women’s role in fisheries management

Series of SPC stories for 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence (GBV) 2022, demonstrating how science and technical support contributes to ending GBV. More women are being included alongside men community leaders, government officials and…

Disaster risk reduction in fisheries training through a gender equity and social inclusion lens

A specialised training in gender equity and social inclusion has provided fisheries officers an opportunity to strengthen knowledge of gender concepts and build their understanding on gender equality and social inclusion.

Pacific Scientists Sharing Knowledge to Improve Ocean Products for Decision Making

Ocean management is a vital question for all Pacific Islands because of its importance to our people, environment, and economy. In order to support Pacific Island Countries and Territories, the Pacific Community Centre for Ocean Science (PCCOS) planned…

Ocean Science Fact: Microplastic in Ocean

Did you know that microplastic is present in our environment?  Discover more ocean science facts: (Source:

Rapport de l’atelier régional sur la mise en place d’un Cadre d’action en faveur de la transposition à plus grande échelle des régimes de gestion communautaire des pêches dans le Pacifique (2021–2025)

Fiches d’identification d’holothuries de Polynésie française

Pacific Islands: Climate Finance Action a Priority at COP 27

Photo: On Kadavu and Ra Islands in Fiji, SPC supported the implementation of an Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) and climate change resilience project. Credit: SPC

World Tuna Day 2023

COP 27: Seven years after the Paris Agreement – how have things shaped up for Pacific Island Countries and Territories?

The Paris Agreement is now seven years old. For Pacific Island Countries and Territories, this agreement embodied a real hope to reduce the effects of climate change on coastal communities and livelihoods, as well as protecting natural resources and…
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