Atoll Nation of Tuvalu Adopts ‘Cubes’ to Step Up Nutritious Food Production

Atoll Nation of Tuvalu Adopts ‘Cubes’ to Step Up Nutritious Food Production By Catherine Wilson Tuvalu’s farmers have watched their crops destroyed by extreme tropical weather. They are now using Funafala 'food cubes' to have greater control over…

PW Podcast E03-E07- From Field to Fork

The importance of securing and ensuring sustainable use of the regions agricultural commodities, fisheries resources and forests was the underlying focus at the Seventh Regional Meeting of the Pacific Heads of Agriculture and Forestry Services (PHOAFS)…

Green News: SPC runs the Centre for Pacific Crops and Trees (CePaCT), a lab facility that maintains, tests and distributes crop varieties that are key for food and nutrition security

Did you know that SPC runs the Centre for Pacific Crops and Trees (CePaCT), a lab facility that maintains, tests and distributes crop varieties that are key for food and nutrition security? Since COVID-19, the need for Pacific countries to be more self-…

PW Podcast S03-E03: Inside the Salad Bowl

Sigatoka Valley is known as the 'Salad Bowl' of Fiji proving a majority of the islands fresh fruits and vegetables. But this highly fertile region also attracts hungry pests eager to take a bite out of the bowl.  The Pacific Community through its…

Protecting the diversity of coconuts in the Pacific islands

Researchers in the Pacific recently travelled to a remote island in Fiji to collect endangered coconut specimens as part of an ACIAR-supported project ­­­to conserve the plant’s genetic diversity. Coconut palms, commonly referred to as the ‘Tree of Life…

From the ground up – soil science improves Pacific diets

Women celebrated as Pacific looks to its agricultural future

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to sweep across the Globe and linger on the doorstep of several Pacific countries, communities are already picking up the health, social and economic pieces scattered in its wake. Agriculture in the Pacific has been…

Field Connections- How technology is supporting Pacific agriculture

Field Connections- How technology is supporting Pacific agriculture  Standing in the middle of a field around a withered plant, the Pacific Community’s Plant Health Doctors conducted their first virtual meeting as they continue their work on the…

Strengthening Atoll Agriculture in Tuvalu

Newly developed special compost recipes are set to make a positive impact on agriculture for Funafala and Funafuti in Tuvalu. The newly developed recipes use biomass which is readily available in Tuvalu, to create composts that meet the nutritional…

Coconuts for Livelihoods Project

A new initiative to strengthen the conservation and utilization of coconut diversity and to support the rejuvenation of coconut-based livelihoods in the Pacific Islands was launched by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR…
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