Climate Finance Unit

Enhancing climate finance in the Pacific region Climate Finance Unit (CFU) at the Pacific Community  Climate finance is critical for Pacific Small Islands Developing States (PSIDS) to be able to address climate change. Effective adaptation and…

Green News: do you know what a wetland is, and can you list the ones from the Pacific region?

Today is World Wetlands Day: do you know what a wetland is, and can you list the ones from the Pacific region?

OCT Regional Steering Committee on Food Systems - PROTEGE 2022

The Fisher's Tales S2 - A little privacy please

This series aims at disseminating informative and educational toolkits amongst coastal communities from the Pacific region. The videos provide information on the habitat, nutrition and behaviour of key marine species, as well as advice on how to use…

Ocean Science Fact: Climate change = Ocean change

  The dark blue ocean absorbs up to 93% of the excess heat caused by climate change, protecting us from the worst impacts. The ocean regulates the climate and weather, and the Pacific, as the biggest ocean on earth, is a climate engine.

2021 at a glance - Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability

The Fisher's Tales S2 - Limits: A golden rule

This series aims at disseminating informative and educational toolkits amongst coastal communities from the Pacific region. The videos provide information on the habitat, nutrition and behaviour of key marine species, as well as advice on how to use…

Ocean Science Fact: Mangrove and other blue carbon ecosystems can sequester 10 times more carbon than boreal, temperate or tropical forest

Although mangroves account for less than 2% of marine environments, they carry out 10 to 15% of global carbon burial. Mangroves are carbon-absorbing machines that absorb carbon dioxide when growing and sink carbon to the seafloor when dead…

Increasing economic activity in the most isolated atolls in the Pacific

Photo © Direction des ressources marines de Polynésie française (content available in French only) Accroitre l’activité économique des atolls les plus isolés dans le Pacifique Aux Tuamotu, un projet innovant de création d’un laboratoire de…

Ocean Science Fact: Coral Reefs = Protection

Coral Reefs = Protection Study shows that coral reefs provide substantial protection against natural hazards by reducing wave energy by an average of 97%. There are 100 million or more people who may receive risk reduction benefits from reefs or bear…
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