Jean-Baptiste Marre

Jean-Baptiste joined SPC in August 2014 to take on the position of RESCCUE Project Officer. Since 2009, he is Adviser – Climate Finance. Before that, he completed a joint PhD in Environmental Economics between the University of Western Britany and…

Protéger la ressource en eau du massif des Lèvres à TOUHO - Tipwoto

Nouvelle-Calédonie - Protéger la ressource en eau du massif des Lèvres à TOUHO - Province NORD / Tipwoto / Planter un arbre pour une vie / RESCCUE / INTEGRE

RESCCUE Project in Vanuatu - Plastic Bags

RESCCUE Project in Vanuatu - Water Management

RESCCUE Project in Vanuatu - Water Systems

RESCCUE Project in Vanuatu - Grafting for adaptation

Vanuatu RESCCUE - Coconut trees

RESCCUE Project in Vanuatu - Water Shortage

RESCCUE Project in Vanuatu - Healthy Reef

The Vanuatu RESCCUE project has provided the Youth of North Efate communities with a smartphone to explain how to protect the environment and act to fight climate change.

RESCCUE Project - The first SPC carbon neutral project

RESCCUE is becoming the first SPC carbon neutral project, look at the video to have more information.
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