Waves of Change: Reinvigorate the maritime sails with increased diversity

The maritime industry has been an integral part of global trade and commerce for centuries, connecting continents and providing a vital lifeline for economies around the world. However, it has also been an industry with a reputation for being male-…

Preventing violence against women and girls in the Pacific

Technical training with Palau supports ocean management through defined maritime zones

Palau officials, Mr David Idip and Mr Takamatsu Emesiochel of PALARIS with Malakai Vakautawale, Molly Powers-Tora, and Andrick Lal of SPC  

Across the Pacific young people are taking responsibility for their future health with the: Wake Up ! Project

The 5th Pacific Regional Energy and Maritime Ministers' Meeting (PRETMM)

The 5th Pacific Regional Energy and Maritime Ministers Meeting (PRETMM) is held in Port Vila, Vanuatu from 8 to 12 May 2023.

Challenging the Patriarchy: it’s not only a “women’s” issue

‘Ana, an unstoppable force reshaping Tonga

Charting a course to Health Leadership

Wake Up! Project: The youth from the Solomon Islands is taking the lead on NCDs prevention through art


Animal health experts train to improve livestock health and production in the Pacific

Dr. Sripad Sosale from the Pacific Community taking a blood sample during animal disease surveillance training in Samoa Nadi, Fiji – Over 42 health experts from 17 countries gathered in Nadi, Fiji, this week to train on improving animal and…
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