2021 World No Tobacco Day: Commit to Quit

Commit to Quit is the theme for this year’s World No Tobacco Day observed on 31 May. It is on this day that governments, non-governmental organizations, and communities join to raise awareness about the harmful tobacco use and the benefits of quitting,…

Resilience and Leadership amidst a global pandemic. Celebrating Women in Maritime 

A call to raise awareness on the importance of gender equality to highlight the valuable yet under-utilised contribution of women in the Pacific’s maritime sector was made by international and regional maritime organisations at the conclusion of the…

Pacific Organic Learning Farm Network Launch

The Pacific Organic Learning Farm (OLF) Network is an LRD project administered by POETCom. The launch is at SPC HQ in Noumea next Friday, May 28 at 10 am Noumea time, 11 am in Fiji.

Pacific food systems dialogue to help advance global summit

A first-time dialogue on the complexity of food systems in the Pacific and the challenges they face in a warming world is set to inform a global food systems summit held by the United Nations in September. 

SPC and WHO launch manual on surveillance and control of Aedes mosquitoes’ vectors in the Pacific

The Pacific Community (SPC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) launched a manual for surveillance and control of Aedes mosquitoes’ vectors in the Pacific during a virtual meeting today. Mosquitoes of the Aedes genus can transmit viruses that cause…

Unchartered Waters

“If you can dream it, work hard at it, you will surely be able to achieve it. If I can do it, anyone who is determined can do it too.”

Pacific Ministers for Women commit to accelerate progress towards gender equality

Pacific Ministers for Women endorsed priorities to accelerate progress towards achieving gender equality and a full realisation of women’s human rights in the region, at the conclusion of the 7th Meeting of Pacific Ministers for Women last week. The…

Now available: Handbook to guide the development of a National Multisectoral NCD plan and the establishment of a National Multisectoral NCD committee

The Pacific Community’s (SPC) Public Health Division (PHD) has published a handbook to guide the development of a National multisectoral Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) plan and the establishment of a multisectoral committee to oversee the…

Now available: Pacific guidelines for healthy infants and children under five years of age

The Pacific Community’s (SPC) Public Health Division (PHD) has published a handbook for health professionals and educators on Pacific guidelines for healthy infants and children under five years of age.

Valenicina shines a light on disaster preparedness through data collection

15 minutes' drive from the heart of Fiji's capital city, Suva, lies the community of Valenicina. under the watchful eye of one of its residents, Mosese Sereivalu. This community recently worked together to upgrade their road system, organise health…
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