The future of Crop Mutation Breeding in the Pacific

Rugby, household surveys and COVID-19

The Fiji Rugby Sevens Team continued to excel since the onset of COVID-19 - they won the 2020 Olympics, the World Rugby Sevens Series and are currently ranked 3rd in the world.  At the same time, the Pacific National Statistics Offices have…

Guardians of the Pacific: Meet Matuavao from Samoa

“We keep our ocean clean as we keep our house clean. [...] Because this is our whole future to worry about. For the next generations.” Anzac Day Aliielua, Matai of Salamumu Village, Samoa Across the region, governments and communities are working…

Launch of the Pacific International Year for Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA 2022)

Stat of the week: Agricultural land in Marshall Islands makes up an estimated 47.8% of the total land area

Did you know that agricultural land in Marshall Islands makes up an estimated 47.8% of the total land area?  

Stat of the week: It is estimated that the Solomon Islands produced nearly 7000 tonnes of pulses in 2019

It is estimated that the Solomon Islands produced nearly 7000 tonnes of pulses in 2019.  Did you know? Pulses are important crops for: Nutritional value Food security Environmental benefits For more information on Pulses Day, visit the United…

Atoll Nation of Tuvalu Adopts ‘Cubes’ to Step Up Nutritious Food Production

Atoll Nation of Tuvalu Adopts ‘Cubes’ to Step Up Nutritious Food Production By Catherine Wilson Tuvalu’s farmers have watched their crops destroyed by extreme tropical weather. They are now using Funafala 'food cubes' to have greater control over…

The Food Systems Summit 2021

The Summit The UN Food Systems Summit will serve as a historic opportunity to empower all people to leverage the power of food systems to drive our recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and get us back on track to achieve all 17 Sustainable Development…

PW Podcast E03-E07- From Field to Fork

The importance of securing and ensuring sustainable use of the regions agricultural commodities, fisheries resources and forests was the underlying focus at the Seventh Regional Meeting of the Pacific Heads of Agriculture and Forestry Services (PHOAFS)…

Stat of the week: Papua New Guinea is estimated to produce 495 tonnes of Vanilla per year

Papua New Guinea is estimated to produce 495 tonnes of Vanilla per year, and is the fifth leading Vanilla Bean producer in the world.
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