16 Days of Activism 2016


The 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence campaign runs every year from 25 November – the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women – until 10 December – Human Rights Day.

It is a global campaign to raise awareness about violence against women and its impacts on all dimensions of women’s lives.

At SPC we believe that violence against women is a violation of human rights and represents a significant obstacle to achieving sustainable development.
We also believe that we all have a role to play, in our families, in the workplace and in our communities, to transform relationships and create an environment where our women and girls are safe and respected.

The 16 days of activism is an opportunity for us to reflect on how gender-based violence affects development outcomes in our respective sectors, and to identify how we can each contribute to the fight for gender equality and human rights.
Each day, for the duration of the campaign, SPC will share insights from its directors and staff working across various sectors, with the objective of raising awareness and generating further reflection and action in the Pacific and beyond.

16 days 16 statements from our staff

  1. Director-General's statement
  2. Human Resource acting director's statement
  3. Statistics for Development Division director's statement
  4. Social Development programme director's statement
  5. Land Resources Division director's statement
  6. Director, Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems Division
  7. Public Health Division director's statement
  8. Geoscience Division director's statement
  9. Youth Adviser's statement
  10. Deputy Director Transport statement
  11. Deputy Director-General (Noumea)
  12. Senior Human Rights Advisor, RRRT
  13. Director, Educational Quality and Assessment Programme
  14. Gender Equality Adviser's statement
  15. Culture Adviser's statement
  16. Deputy Director-General (Suva)



16 Days of Activism
Activism against Gender-Based Violence