Closing Remarks by SPC's Land Resources Division Director, Ms Karen Mapusua at the 9th Pacific Heads of Agriculture and Forestry Services meeting


Talofa lava, Malo e lelei

Respected Heads of Agriculture and Forestry

Thank you for the opportunity to make a statement on behalf of your organisation, the Pacific Community and Chair, congratulations on an excellent meeting.

I would like to acknowledge and appreciate the strong strategic leadership from the Heads of Agriculture and Forestry over the sector,  and over the initiatives that have come from this forum, in particular over the past year. Not the least of which include the development of the regional research agenda and the Pacific's first regional agriculture and forestry strategy, Growing the Pacific. But also, your active support for and engagement with the various technical networks such as PAPGREN, PHOVAPS and PPPO which are critical in ensuring national priorities drive our work and ensure regional initiatives are relevant.

We all recognise that our region and our people face challenges, but we are encouraged by the level aspiration and ambition you have, and the strength based approach you have taken recognising that as a region we can rise above these challenges by working together from a position of strength - as a collective.

SPC looks forward to accompanying you on the journey you have set through the ‘Growing the Pacific’ strategy, and guided by SPc’s 4 core values: Gida Gaituvwa (Unity), Aroha (Care) –Enginkelap (Generosity) and Kaitiakitanga (Stewardship) - calling on our divisions' technical capabilities but also the full strength of our developing Food Systems and Climate Change flagship initiatives to address your priorities in a holistic manner.  In this light, we will shortly begin developing our next LRD business plan and will be calling on you for direction on where you best see our role in supporting the achievement of your vision and goals.

I would also like to acknowledge the important scientific, technical and development partnerships, many of which are around this table, that enable us to serve and support the aspirations of the agriculture and forestry sector in the Pacific. Thank you for your ongoing collaboration, the commitment to building more strategic and programmatic ways of working and your alignment to the priorities of the Pacific. We look forward to continued and closer collaboration.

Finally, as we navigate towards the vision of our Growing the Pacific strategy and the Pacific Week of Agriculture and Forestry in Tonga next year, I think I can say, to quote a proverb from the Kingdom, “Takanga ‘etau fohe” Our oars are moving in unison.

Thank you.

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