Healthy Tips: When I take the bus, I keep my mask on for the whole trip

Résilience - Poum, à la recherche de l'or bleu

  Dans ce premier épisode de votre magazine Résilience, découvrez la commune de Poum et ses habitants qui ont bénéficié d’une campagne visant à déceler d’éventuelles nouvelles ressources en eau souterraine, notamment d’eau potable.

Digital terminal, interactive quiz and videos: new awareness tools for sustainable fishing

(content available in French only)

Data gaps on Pacific kava production, trade and consumption hinder full analysis of investment and growth opportunities

The lack of reliable and comprehensive data on production, domestic consumption and exports of kava could be holding back investment and growth prospects for the kava industry according to a new paper by Nilima Lal, Economic Statistics Adviser,…

What do the statistics tell us about the impacts of the COVID-19 on PICT economies

A new paper by SPC Statistics Advisor-Strategic Planning Monitoring Analysis, Elizabeth Ragimana and SPC Data Analysis and Dissemination Manager, David Abbott reveals how almost eighteen months on since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide,…

Green news: Building a common vision of climate action to achieve Nationally Determined Contributions in the Pacific

In contributing towards a collaborative vision and commitment for Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS), the Pacific Community’s (SPC) Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES) is committed to assist…

Partnership between Otago University and SPC sparks new opportunities for academics, research professionals, and experts

The University of Otago has formally partnered with the Pacific Community (SPC), the principal development organization in the Pacific which spans 26 countries and territories. SPC has supported the empowerment of Pacific communities through the sharing…

Building the future of Pacific Food Systems

The Food Systems Summit held on September 23 in New York was an opportunity for the world to come together to find solutions to one of the major challenges of our generation: transforming the systems that make it possible to produce and consume food in a…

Updated regional infection prevention and control guidelines for the Pacific published

Securing the future with traditional knowledge

In Tonga, community elders are passing down the ancient art of carving canoes to help the youth build sustainable livelihoods. Video produced by Alexandre Brecher, Corporate Communications Office
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